Tuesday, November 4, 2008

starch digestibility 1

It is not necessarily a binder that will solve your problems. You can achieve a lot with proper processing conditions.
If you run a pellet mill, do you also have a steam boiler ?
Some guidelines:
- Try to grind as small as possible
- Use a die which is thick enough so that you can build more pressure. You will use more electricity and capacity can decrease, but your pellet will be harder. A ratio of >15 thickness/hole diameter should be OK for a feed with a fat content of <10 % ( for example a die with 4mm holes and a thickness of 60 mm). But it depends a lot on the formula if you need to increase. Generally, this means: more fat and moisture in the diet requires a thicker die, more fibers require less thickness.
- Try to heat the mash to 90°C before it enters the pellet mill. This can be done with steam injection in the preconditioner and/or by heating the preconditioner from the outside (steam jacket or electric pads)
- Try to keep the pellet at 80°C for about 20 minutes.

Of course there are a lot of variables like raw materials, formula, machinery, etc.

But I hope this info already helps.
Best regards,
Eric De Muylder
Aquafeed consultant
www.crevetec. be

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