Thursday, June 12, 2008



Basic Management procedures in Fish Farming – Presented and Coordinated by Ganiyu Tiamiyu

 Need to understand the system of fish production adopted. Is it recirculatory, flow-through or earthen pond or a combination of any.

 Water quality parameters such as Ph, Dissolved Oxygen levels, nitrites, ammonia, iron and metals must be checked before buying land and must be monitored daily or weekly even when farm operations is ongoing.

 Need to stock the right quality and quantity of fingerling or juveniles but special attention should be giving to raising to 40 – 50g before transferring to the main grow –out system. Sorting or grading into various sizes should also be done as need arises.

 Following the proper feeding regimes as to what type, size and quantity of feed to give at each point in time. There are literature guides to this, but most importantly is to feed according to the reaction of the fishes to the feed while feeding.

 Ability to identify stress factors and conditions and how to manage them.

 Importance of record keeping is very key.

Feed dynamics, production cost and formulation – presented and coordinated by Dr. Aderolu Zaid.

 This topic was approached from the point of view of common errors in feeding were discussed here in details. These include, feeding wrong size of feed, using wrong feed type, feeding at wrong times of the day, wrong feed or feed formulation especially for those who formulate their pellet feed.

 Having the right staff assigned the role of feeding is very important. Feeding operations is key to the overall success of the farm, as a farmer cannot afford to overfeed or underfeed. The two extremes have negative consequences and as such the staff(s) assigned this role must be intelligent enough.

 The owner of the farm must ensure to feed at times himself or herself to observe the response of the feed and general conditions first hand. The farmer must also put measures to monitor and supervise staffs in the process of feed production, storage and accountability for all feed ingredients.

 The problem of lack of standards in the quality of feed ingredients and adulterations available was also highlighted. The conference urged the government to put measures to have some standardization and control. Farmers are also urged to buy feed ingredients from reputable sources.

 Of greatest importance is that a farmer who wants to formulate feed must have a way of testing or verifying the quality of feed ingredients and have a good understanding of feed constituents and how to combine them to meet the nutrient needs of different stages of growth of the fish.

 In deciding which feed is better between floating extruded feed or pelleted feed, is very dependent on a combination of factors especially on its cost, how it’s being used and some of the issues raised above. However, after a breeding circle and checking the FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio), one can then be able to determine which is better.

 Use of sinking pellet feed will require more attention to be paid to the quality of water and water flow/change to prevent the settling of residues.

 On exhibition at the conference was a feed milling equipment which is able to pellet feed out with about 15 – 20 % moisture content and with no dust. Other equipments for use on the farm were also on display by Capsfeed limited.

Marketing models and Links - Presented and coordinated by Michael Ukabam

 Marketing was defined as the performance of all business activities involved in the flow of product from farm to plate. This involves Advertising, Processing, Transportation, Retail, Policy, etc.

 We need to Market in other to Increase profit and Expand market.

 We need to make Profit in other for the Businesses to survive and grow.Growth is necessary to improve economies of scale.

 Economies of scale were highlighted as
o More bargaining power for purchasing and selling
o More efficient use of staff - Reduced staff cost
o Ability to take on larger challenges

 Improving profitability means either reducing cost or increasing revenue
o Reducing Cost
o Improving efficiency
o Improving economies of scale
o New technology
o Sharing cost
o Increasing Revenue
o Reduce mortality and increase output per pond
o Capturing more market margin.

 Market Margin was defined as the total available cash between farm and Plate. This Market margin exists because value is added by different actives in the marketing chain. This market margin is what we all as farmers need to tap into.

 To develop and execute a good marketing plan one needs to understand the value that goes into every step of the marketing chain and substitute these.

 Sales options
o Whole Sale distributor

o Direct Sales
 To shops
 To Restaurants
 Fish farmers market
 End consumer

Policy trust and Guidelines to form a concrete pressure group

 It was agreed that there is the need to form such a visible group as there are many benefits that could accrue to us as a group and individuals if we do this. Such as having government or World Bank funding.

 There is need to have a pressure group that can begin to work on setting some standards in the industry especially in the farm inputs such as feeds, feed ingredients and fish seed.

 We agreed too that there is need to form a business company out of the group to pursue the basic economic interest of farmers in terms of alternative marketing of there products. These would be optional to those who can subscribe to it financially.

 To this end, every participant has been urged to send in their proposals as to how to form both the pressure group and the business company to the conference secretariat at

List of Participants
Iyiola Mukail Omotayo
Alhaji Iyiola M.O Same as above 08038290410
Seun Keyede
Tiamiyu Toba
Ganiyu Tiamiyu
Ojeomogha Leticia
Barister Nike Rep Ronald Hommes 08037148803
Olayide Majekodunmi
Dr Aderolu A.Z
Epemolu Ayobami
A.A Fakunle
Adedeji A Abiodun
Micheal Ukabam
Anselm U. Ojezua


I want to express my appreciation to God Almighty for making it possible for us to hold a purposeful conference which enable us to to help ourself and help our fellow Nigeria in the fisheries subsector of the economy.I will practically thank everyone particularly those that was able to made it to proteas Hotel ,Lekki for the conference.The event took place with 15 participant from 6 states of the federation namely Lagos,Oyo,Osun, Edo,Abuja, Ogun states.The conference dealt with issues ranging from nutrition,marketing ,common mistake on farms,policy framework for the formation of a pressure group and also a business group was also put in place for the primary purpose of helping us to marketing our fish and harnessing a bigger and better market for us all.I will still give a comprehensive report on the conference soonest.I want to thank Dr Niniola Pension Smith for his contribution to the success of the conference.Felix Abayomi for taking time out of his busy schedule to see to a successful conduct of the conference.Hak- ION ,Mike Ukabam,Latia group brothers,Dr Aderolu,Roland, Sekeye, and all others who were present despite the rain,traffic congestion and all other chalenges in lagos metropolis.Thank You ALL .