Friday, January 23, 2009


Hello Ganiyu,
your last post was very interesting. I have just one question, which
is; in what type of pond did you get the FCR with the coppens feed
to be 0.92 and with local feed to be 1.25?
I ask this because your observation has defied all research in
Aquaculture. From what I know as a researcher, based on practical
established fact and from what I have come across in published
results (books, journals and sponsored experimental reports of FAO
and similar organizations) no feed and I repeat NO FEED has the
capacity ALONE to give WET FLESH value of 1 kilogram in fish when
920 grams of the dry feed is fed.
The best way to see the effect of dry feed on flesh gain is to feed
fish a trial diet in either glass, fiberglass or plastic tanks,
ensuring the fish do not have access to any residual nourishment.
The best any such diet has performed is to give FCR value of between
1.2 and 1.5 (and the source of protein was fish meal which has 95%
dry matter and protein digestibility) .
Even going by ordinary logic, which food ever became completely
digested, completely absorbed and completely utilized without
leaving some undigested matter to be passed out in the faeces? Or
assuming there was, how can a fish of say 3kilograms eat 920 grams
of feed without passing out faeces and then weigh 4 kilograms? where
is the 80 grams coming from (if the feed alone was responsible for
the weight gain)?
I think your reported FCR values are based on feeding fish in
earthen ponds, where the fish had the privilege of additional
nutrients from worms, insects and other natural food in the habitat
which were not accounted for in your FCR calculations. It could also
be that your fish are kept in cement or concrete ponds and there is
additional nutrients from the algal growth, which attracts other
smaller animals in the pond and so your fish fed on these. As to the
local feeds, I wish to state that most local ingredients are just
over 50% digestible and so most times, the best FCR you can get from
them is in the neighbourhood of 1.6 to 1.8, and this is for those
which are formulated to contain up to 30 to 35% crude protein. The
vast majority contain very high fiber contents which are not desired
by fish, unfortunately.
In conclusion, if such a feed which you talk about existed I am sure
the current research effort in trying to look for a genetic solution
for fish growth wouldn't have been totally necessary.
However, this is not to say that we cannot discover it in Nigeria.
We sure have the capacity but please check your facts. I certainly
plead to be corrected, while praying to Allah to save Nigeria!

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